Monday, February 04, 2008

I can tell you now...

that I am having a baby! I couldn't post it before because I think that some of Josh's family reads here and we hadn't told them yet. Anyway, I am 9 weeks pregnant and due on September 7 (6 days before my birthday). I would be really excited if I weren't throwing up all of the time. I have already done the IV fluid thing in the hospital (SUCKS!) and am heavily medicated at all times. BLECH!

I am holding my breath that it is a girl because this is it, I am done with babies! So, for all of you that pray, pray for a happy, healthy little girl to enter our family this fall!! I would love to see a little Ty/Bryce clone with pigtails!


Audrey said...

Congrats! I'll pray for a healthy baby and a girl!

Jessica said...


What on earth would you do with a girl?

It would definitely be fun to watch what her brothers would do with her!!

Emily said...

It better be a girl because I already have your gift picked out. If it's a boy I'll get him something cute too though.

Although I'm kind of like Jessica...What would you guys do with a girl?

Aubrey said...

Congrats!!! A girl would be so fun!!

ChandraJoy said...

I'm praying for a girl! I hope you start feeling better soon.

Carrie said...

Congratulations!!! You and Josh will be in my prayers!! Hope the puking stops soon enough!