Ok, I am going to do the 100 things post because Sara tagged me to do it. In no way do I really think that this will be interesting to anyone but me. Here it goes!
1) I am the oldest child of four.
2) I have car fever right now.
3) I don't even care what kind of car I get as long as it is new to me.
4) I have 3 little boys.
5) When picking their names, I try them out together. If it doesn't flow, it has to go.
6) I really want a baby girl.
7) I may have already picked her name - Lainey Jean or Lainey Jo.
8) I LOVE TV!!
9) My husband (Josh) is the love of my life.
10) I have fantastic friends.
11) I am not great at maintaining long distance friendships.
12) My house is never clean, but I am always cleaning it.
13) I am not as organized as I want to be.
14) I would love to be a domestic goddess, but can't find a place to start learning.
15) I'd love to have an *accident* baby so that I don't have to stress about whether I am ready
16) My love language is quality time.
17) I used to think my love language was gifts until Josh got a promotion and was never home.
18) I love teen movies like Bring It On.
19) I have long periods of depression that no one knows about.
20) I am very insecure about the way my body looks.
21) I am the "fat" bridesmaid in my sister's wedding.
22) I love my kids with all of my heart.
23) My favorite time of day is nap time because we all snuggle in together.
24) I have internet friends.
25) I am always afraid that I will die young.
26) I am TERRIFIED to fly.
27) I like to shop.
28) I feel guilty if I buy stuff.
29) I can't cook.
30) I am always worried that I am not a good mom to my kids.
31) I want to be a better Christian.
32) I like to do crafts.
33) Josh thinks I look good no matter what.
34) I wish I could buy my kids the world.
35) I think Ty is a genius.
36) I also think he is a deviant.
37) I grew up in Texas.
38) I don't think that Texas and Oklahoma are really all that different.
39) I am a singer.
40) I want to be trendy.
41) I struggle with the notion of a loving God.
42) I hate doing laundry.
43) I wish that I still looked 18.
44) I don't like paying to watch a movie at the theater.
45) RENT is my favorite Broadway musical.
46) My brothers and sister have all found significant others that I adore.
47) I struggle with being judgmental.
48) I am indecisive to a fault.
49) I love Taco Cabana taquitos (which they no longer make).
50) I no longer like Taco Cabana.
51) Josh thinks I should become a wedding planner.
52) I love my boys' smiles.
53) I think Bryce is the best baby in the world.
54) I don't know if my friends want to hear about my son that passed away anymore.
55) I paid $180 for knee PT that didn't really do much.
56) I am looking forward to vacation in Padre/San Antonio in August.
57) I graduated as an Electrical Engineer in 2002.
58) There were only 2 other people in my class.
59) I struggle with gossiping.
60) I feel like I have gotten better about gossiping lately.
61) I worry about terrorism.
62) I used to watch the news every day.
63) I had to stop because it was giving me panic attacks.
64) I love Will and Boogie from BB All-Stars.
65) I hate coffee.
66) I am addicted to caffeine (Diet Coke)
67) I tried to be a cake decorator.
68) I sucked at it.
69) Josh supports every wild hair that I get (see Cake Decorating and Wedding Planning)
70) Josh falls asleep on the couch every night and it drives me CRAZY!
71) I just woke him up.
72) I used to buy new bed linens every 3 months.
73) I had to quit that when I became a stay-at-home mom.
74) I helped my sister register for her wedding last week.
75) I now want all new dishes, bedding, bathroom stuff, and appliances.
76) I never knew I wanted a Fry-Daddy until I went registering!
77) I love talk radio.
78) I feel guilty that I don't listen to music in the car with my kids.
79) Ty ruined my car CD player by shoving money and a pool key into it.
80) I want to hire a landscaper.
81) I could spend hours in Hobby Lobby.
82) I lose cell phones.
83) I have a great cat.
84) I would like him to have a great home somewhere else.
85) I worry about what Ty will repeat when I'm not around.
86) I am a worrier.
87) I am a blog stalker.
88) I just woke Josh up AGAIN!
89) I start Bible Studies and never finish them.
90) I WILL finish them.
91) When a plane takes off (that I am in), I pray for forgiveness of my sins just in case.
92) I pray for the forgiveness of everyone else's sins too.
93) I want to be a millionaire.
94) I don't want to have to be disciplined to get there.
95) My mom and dad are fantastic and we have a great relationship.
96) I love Brownies and Ice Cream.
97) I hate being pregnant.
98) I love new babies (for the 1st 2 weeks).
99) I can't decide if I want to move back to Texas ever.
100) I am proud that I was able to think of this many things about me!
I tag Josh and Shannon.